We Sell a Service, not a Product
We're a professional just like your lawyer and CPA. Are you qualified to address your legal exposures?Who Do You Trust?
Dealing Directly with Insurance Carriers to save money? Who's interest are they looking out for, yours or theirs?
One Stop Shopping
We can handle multi-state and international exposures and your Business and Personal Insurance needs.
Serving You Since 1981
Call Today for Your Free Consultation: (407) 767-2950
Now you can TEXT us at (407) 449-8651 for a quick response
A letter from National Risk Management & Associates clients, insurance markets, vendors and friends
We respect that your time is valuable and as you have already received many emails from others regarding the global outbreak of COVID-19, let me keep this one brief.
NRMA offices in Sanford, Florida will continue to remain open with limited staff during normal operating hours of 9am – 5pm weekdays. In case of emergency, please feel free to call 407-415-8528
Most of our staff are working remotely from their homes so please excuse any background noises and delays in responding to you.
Continue to use our office main number at 407-767-2950. All calls will be routed directly to our employees in their homes through this number;
email and text communication will be the fastest way to allow us to address any needs you may have;
For coverage, policy or clients services, please email Bob Ray ( Robert.Ray@NRMAFLA.com );
For claims, email Bob Ray (Robert.Ray@nrmafla.com);
If you prefer to text, please use our text ONLY line at 407-449-8651. In your initial text, please state your or your business name, and policy number, so that our system can accurately address any issues, concerns or needs you may have.
Please understand that this is a fluid situation. We will continue to watch closely and make adjusts as necessary to ensure there is no interruption of services for you, your business and your needs.
National Risk Management (NRMA) is unique - we work directly for you. Like your lawyer and accountant, we are legally and ethically bound to represent you.
NRMA are Insurance Intermediaries, not insurance agents -- Intermediaries are brokers, who are obligated to protect the interests of, and are legally bound to represent their clients. Insurance agents are contracted to and representatives of insurance companies.
Our Experience & Expertise Surpasses that of Conventional Insurance Professionals -- NRMA's experts understand today's legal environment and knowledge of insurance markets assures you that we will properly handle all your complex legal and coverage issues.
NRMA's Expertise -- Our representatives are all licensed professionals. Although all have experience in every area of insurance, we maintain specialists in commercial, professional liability, employee benefit programs, estate & tax management, industrial hygiene, and loss control. Many maintain designations as Certified Insurance Counselors, CPCU, AAI, CCSR, CLU, and are recognized by state and federal courts as experts in insurance law.